Cuban Marine Parks during Pandemic
Blue Sanctuary NewsletterImagine yourself staring out across an endless expanse of saltwater flats, mangroves, and pristine beaches seeing hundreds of tarpon rolling with no care in the world. Imagine yourself thirty meters below the surface swimming along a pristine and colorful reef full of groupers, sharks and innumerable wild creatures. This is Cuba, in all it's untarnished majesty.
More infoWorld Oceans Day
Blue Sanctuary NewsletterYou are reading this because you have expressed interest in traveling to Cuba or have already enjoyed one of the stellar fly fishing or scuba diving programs offered by our partners, Avalon Outdoor and Fly Fishing the Run. Even though these sustainable sport activities are shut down at the moment due to the pandemic, our marine park management and conservation strategies remain in place.
More infoOur Fleet Is Clean And Ready
Coronavirus ProtocolsIn the wake of the global pandemic created by Covid-19, Avalon/FFTR has modified its protocol according to the known preventive measures established by health professionals. It contains a brief timeline of the corona virus and description of the illness and identifies what is to be considered high risk contacts.
More infoCuba Conservation and Full Legality Information for US citizens
More infoBiodiversity Record Report
This August 2018 we are celebrating the first anniversary of implementing Biodiversity Record in Avalon/Marlin.
More infoRoaming in Cuba
AT&T follows Verizon and T-Mobile Offering Roaming in Cuba“We know our customers want uninterrupted connectivity and a continuous mobile experience. This is especially true as more visitCuba,” said Bill Hague, executive vice president, AT&T Global Connection Management. “Extending service to our customers while they are in Cuba further solidifies our position as having the best global coverage of any U.S wireless provider.”
More infoFlights to Havana from the U.S.
Here Are All the First Nonstop Flights to Havana from the U.S.The above new flights are regular scheduled flights operated under a new agreement between the U.S. and Cuba. Previously, all flights from the U.S. to Cuba were considered “charter” flights. The charter flights have permission to continue flying but may decide to suspend service due to price competition.
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